Does the LED Aluminium come with LED Tape/ LED Strips?
We sell each item individually, so this product page is for the aluminium profile only. Check out relate products below for our range of LED Strips & LED tape range
Can I cut the aluminium LED profile?
Yes, its only aluminium so a simple chop saw with suitable metal blade is the best for a clean cut, or even a hacksaw if doing it by hand.
Do you offer a ‘cut-to-size’ service?
Yes, see above options for adding on custom cuts, just enter the number of cuts, and the measurements of each cut separated by commas, if multiple cuts. Please note – once custom cut, the items are non refundable.
Do you have corner pieces/how do I go around corners?
We don’t do corner pieces for any of our profiles as we find 45˚ Mitre for the cleanest, minimalist appearance.
Do you have joining pieces/ how do I join LED aluminium profile?
We don’t do joining pieces for any of our profiles a we find simply butting full lengths together end to end is the bast way to obtain a continuous appearance, barely noticing any join especially when the light is on. Some customers also overlap the diffuser where the aluminium joins to further create a seamless appearance but in reality, once the light is on, any join or gap is barely noticeable.
What colours is the LED aluminium profile available in?
As standard, the led aluminium profile is 6063 silver anodised. We offer 13 RAL colours as an extra option to be powder coated. Unfortunately, due to the way powder coating works, its only economically feasible to do this for 10 or more lengths. Hence our minimum order for power coating is 10 lengths (of any length). That said, we can to 2 or 3 lengths, but still have to charge for 10 lengths to be powder coated.
Why is shipping / longer lengths more expensive?
In recent years, due to the rise of e-commerce giants, UK couriers have become extremely focused on efficiency & automated conveyer belt sorting, and thus are entirely focused on small, shoebox sized items only. As a result, any item over 1.2m is deemed long length by the courier & incurs a manual handling charge. As a result, post & packaging costs across industry for delivery of 2m or 2.5m profiles are typically the region of £20 - £29 including VAT. Hence, on orders of 1-2, we actually loose money on the shipping and hence being a volume trade supplier, we are unable to discount shipping down any further on long lengths due to the high charges incurred for all national couriers on this item.
What lengths is LED aluminium profile available in?
We typically stock all of our LED aluminium profiles in 1m, 2m & 2.5m lengths so you can choose the lengths which best suits your installation. If you don’t see a particular option from the length selection, it means it is out of stock until further notice.
Does it come with end caps? How many end caps are included?
Yes, all profile lengths are supplied with 1 pair of WHITE PLASTIC end caps, that includes 1 open & 1 closed end cap. If you require additional ones due to cutting/making multiple pieces out of 1 length, these need to be added using the add on options above. Please be sure to add these if your intention is to cut down and use multiple pieces as we cannot be held responsible for courier costs associated with extra orders/deliveries. If you require extra / spare end caps – you can order here.
What is an Open / Closed end cap?
Open end cap denotes end caps pre-drilled hole for cable entry.
Closed end cap is complete with no hole.
As standard, these are stocked in pairs and thus we are unable to provide any one particular kind.
Does it come with mounting clips? How many mounting clips are included?
Yes, all profile lengths that are of ‘surface mount type’ are supplied with 2 mounting clips per 1m length, and 3 per 2m/2.5m length. If you require additional ones due to cutting/making multiple pieces out of 1 length, these need to be added using the add on options above.
Is this waterproof? Can it be used outdoors or in bathrooms?
The LED aluminium profile itself is just aluminium & diffuser, and suitable for indoor our outdoor use. If outdoor or in wet locations, you would need to use suitable waterproof IP rated LED tape with your installation. In this case, we also recommend sealing your LED profile with either clear epoxy resin or clear silicone to avoid any water ingress / standing water. See here LED aluminium profiles specifically designed for wet environments:
Does it come with plastic diffuser? Is the diffuser frosted/opal or clear?
Yes, all profiles are supplied with the shown diffuser which is generally opal/frosted unless otherwise stated. There is various options when it comes to installing the diffuser so please check these to see if compatible with your installation ie. Upgrade to clip in diffuser which clips in from the front/top as opposed to slide in from an end, particularly useful in recessed installations or where installations are wall to wall.
How do I stop the LEDS spotting/dot effect?
When it comes to that spotty/dotty LED effect, people often think a diffuser will solve this outright. Unfortunately that is not true and depends on 2 things:
1. The number of LEDs per m
2. The depth of the profile
Hence when using LED tapes such as those from Hue which only have 30 LEDs per me, no amount of diffuser is going to make the like look seamless. If this effect is desired, we recommend our 240LED per m for a seamless constant glow, in combination if any of our profiles over 12mm deep. See link below of relevant no spotting / no dotting LED products.
What size LED tape / LED strip fits in our LED aluminium profiles?
All of our range of LED strip/led tape fits in any of our profile, so rest assured when buying both LED tape and LED profile from us, your products are compatible.
Flat diffuser ROUND Aluminium LED profile for housing flexible LED strip series - 1m / 2m / 2.5m. Manufactured from extruded aluminium, supplied with SLIDE IN Frosted diffuser for a smooth light output and end caps for an enclosed, high standard finish. Primarily used employed for added protection (suitable for internal & external use), or for presenting LED lighting to a high standard, especially when installation remains visible in both domestic and commercial applications. Further benefits include increased rear heat sink for LED strips, improved LED lifetimes. LED profile is supplied in lengths of 2.5m. LED profile can easily be mounted to any square surface in any length. Easy to cut or extend with further lengths, as well as supporting mitre cuts enable cornering. Stock finish is 6063 silver anodised aluminium. Supplied with end caps. Suspension kit sold separately. 18.5mm x 18.5mm - suitable for 11mm wide insert. SUPPLIED WITH 1 PAIR OF END CAPS AND 1 PAIR OF MOUNTING CLIPS PER LENGTH, IF YOU REQUIRE ADDITIONAL AS WE DO NOT KNOW HOW YOU ARE INSTALLING YOUR PROPFILE, PLEASE ADD ON EXTRAS ABOVE. WE CANNOT BE HELD RESPONSIBILE FOR MIS-CAULCATIONS AND DELIVERY CHARGES FOR ADDITIONAL ORDERS FOR EXTRAS AT A LATER DATE